THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN - Description of New Trailer and Extended Footage
(too old to reply)
2012-02-07 09:36:00 UTC

Sony Pictures recently held an event in which 6-minutes of footage from
Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man screened. It seems like a lot of
people are torn about this movie because Sam Raimi's vision is still
fresh in everyone's minds. I'm actually incredibly excited for the movie
and think Webb is a talented director that will bring audiences and fans
something incredibly cool, new, and fresh.

I would have loved to see this footage for myself, but it just wasn't in
the cards for me. So we have to go off of what other people have said
about it, and live it through their words and descriptions. Having
already read through them, the movie sounds like it will be pretty damn
awesome. I was sold on the film early on, though. As a fan of Spider-Man
I was excited to see another movie made through some fresh new talent.

Read everything over and tell us what you think!

First up we have a description from Omelete:

“The six minutes of scenes that we've watched this weekend
showed a really different Spidey from the first grade. The
idea seems to show how Peter Parker already had a hero soul
before having his powers: the first scene shows how he became
enemy of the school bully, Flash Thompson: the bully is rubbing
the face of a skinny boy in his food, when he sees Peter and
says "take a picture of this, Parker!". Peter refuses and
asks Flash that let his coleague go - just to become the target
of a violent fight.

The next scene goes forward on time - when Peter seems to
already have his powers - and shows him getting revenge on
Flash, holding him by his shirt collar and acting in a similar
manner as the bully, what gives him a visit to the the
principal's office. Comes in scene the always wise - and fun -
Uncle Ben(Martin Sheen). "Your bad behavior made me lose a
day of work. What did I told you about power and
responsability?", he argues with his nephew in the middle of
the empty school. But Gwen Stacy(Emma Stone) comes. Satisfied
with the scolding, Uncle Ben decides to mock him: "hey, isn't
that the girl I saw on your computer? HEY! You're on his
computer!", says with a smile, before leaving. Then a sequence
that looks straight from (500) Days of Summer comes up, with
Peter and Gwen flirting in an absolutely fun way, saying
things that makes absolutely no sense. Stone is amazing as
Gwen Stacy... looks like the character version of John
Romita(senior) - and moves exactly like I imagined that
Romita's Gwen would move.

Andrew Garfield Parker seems more serious, but his Spider-Man
is exactly like in the comics. The action scenes ended the clip
and showed him finding out about his powers, agile and making
jokes all the time. Lot of the scenes were not finalized,
showing the actor being trown in the air with cables and
landing. The final sequences had Doctor Curt Connors(Rhys
Ifans) and his arrogance, taking advantage of Peter
knowledge(which appears in several scenes as the science genius
he is on the comics, including working with his web-shoters
and costume) to finalize his formula to grow a new arm. It
doesn't take too long to see the Lizard, resulting from this
experience, appearing in brief scenes(he is extremaly like the
toy photos that have been around.)

This second description/review comes from Comic Book Movie:

“There was a lot going on in the action packed teaser and
while I can't remember the specific order or every single
little snippet shown, I will do my best to describe the
highlights to you. Surprisingly, there is no clear shot of
the Lizard. We do see a close up of his eye and claws - both
of which were incredibly deailed and looked fantasic - as
well as several other action shots featuring the villain
taking on Spider-Man in various locations (not to mention
a very cool scene of his tail wrapping around the hero's
neck in what appeared to be a sewer). However, this is arguably
no bad thing, especially with another six months until the
movie is released...we don't want to be spoiled with too
much after all. What it lacked in Lizard, it more than made
up for in Spider-Man. There are a lot of webswinging shots
which really pop off the screen in 3D and the mix of practical
and CGI is blended seamlessly. The "money shot" can be seen
at the end of the trailer as the top of what appears to be
the Oscorp building starts to collapse as an unmasked Spider-Man
runs for cover after battling the Lizard up there too from
what we saw of their confrontation. The scene shown at last
year's San Diego Comic Con of Peter waiting in the back of a
thugs car was shown, and yes, he does have the black eyes at
this point (however, it would appear this was due to the
lighting rather than any other specific reason, although I
have a feeling this WILL be elaborated upon in the film itself).
There are plenty of wisecracks and the mask actually moves
when he speaks - thankfully eliminating the extremely false
sounding moments in the past films where the audio was quite
clearly dubbed over. This was a really fun sequence which
really separates it from the Sam Raimi's helmed movies. You
wanted a faithful take on the character? Well, this lifelong
fan of the character would say that THIS is it. There's some
quieter scenes too, including Peter finding his father's old
bag, hunting down Curt Connors and finding his way to Gwen's
apartment by landing on the fire escape outside. The dinner
with the Stacy's first glimpsed in the teaser trailer sees
Peter suggest that the menace Spider-Man is doing what he
police can't, something that doesn't sit well with Captain
Satcy who we later see declaring him an outlaw. All in all
the 3D was, well, amazing. There were no POV shots, but there
WERE plenty of other scenes which convinced me that it will
be worth forking out the extra few pounds for a 3D ticket.
Even the regular scenes in the Parker household really pop
and while it may be too early to say this, I honestly can't
recall seeing better 3D footage since Avatar back in 2009...
this was better! One other thing which really grabbed my
attention was Peter building his wshooters and then activating
them, resulting in a blue light which also flashed as they're
used - it works brilliantly.

As if it couldn't get any better, Marc Webb then revealed that
he had one more surprise for those lucky enough to be in
attendance. A reel of footage (in 2D due to the fact that
they're stil working on it) which would feature a handful of
unfinished scenes, but plenty of other never before seen
moments too. It played very much like a trailer and started
with Flash Thompson beating up a kid and telling Peter to take
a photo of it. He refuses and receives a beating for his
troubles (to which he has a witty comeback - "I'm still not
taking that picture"). The next scene was the one shown at
last year's San Diego Comic Con, an exchange between Peter,
Uncle Ben and Gwen in which the chemistry between the three
in their respective scenes eith one another is clear. We also
saw an extended version of the scene in the car, this time
featuring Spider-Man getting on his knees and begging the thug
not to use his knife on him. What happens next? He uses his
webbing to make a fool of the guy, pretending to sneeze at
one point and throwing it like a baseball only seconds later.
This was very, very funny and while some fans may think this
sounds as if Peter is being portrayed as arrogant while in
costume, i assure you hat it doesn't come across that way.
A motorcycle cop pulls up behind him as the scene moved on
and he fires off a couple of shots before Spidey dodges them
with ease and jumps over him. We also see Peter testing his
powers out in an abandoned warehouse, struggling at first and
later perfecting them as he skateboards through the city.
There were a lot of negative comments from fans when Garfield
was spotted with a board but it works very well here and is a
fun way of showing off his new powers. This footage also
confirmed that it is Captain Stacy who unmasks Spider-Man (part
of this IS shown in the trailer but it isnt quite so clear)
and that he is handcuffed when it happens. Moments before a
helicopter shoots something which seemingly immobilises him,
thereby allowing this to happen. He escapes, fighting off the
police despite literally having both hands tied behind his back.
Later on, a confrontation between Spider-Man and the Lizard
reveals via voiceover that Peter may have helped create him
by assisting Connors with the experiment to regain his arm
(removed convincingly by CGI and then growing back again).
One of the unfinsihed sequences saw the Lizard attack Van
Atter's car, only to be thrawted by Spider-Man who saves several
of the vehicles from being throwfront the bridge. It was at
this later point in the reel of footage that we were shown a
facial shot of the Lizard as he climbed up the top of a building
in pursuit of Spider-Man and he looks EXACTLY like the Pez
dispensers, concept art and various toys we've seen. Whether
he had a snout wasn't clear (more on that below) but it looked
to me like a regular humanoid face and not the animalistic
version associated with artists such as Todd McFarlane.

Next up is a description from Comingsoon:

“Before they got to questions, they showed the new 3D trailer,
which begins with an amazing helicopter shot of New York City
in 3D and we see Spider-Man swinging up onto a fire escape and
landing outside Gwen Stacy's window and she asked him how he
got there, because they're twenty stories up. It then shows a
scene of Peter looking at a valise that his uncle Ben says
belonged to his father and his Aunt May (Sally Field, looking
very young compared to previous incarnations) tells him his
father was a very secretive man. Peter then goes to see Dr.
Curt Connors and we see a bit of his transformation into the
Lizard, as well as a scene of Spider-Man stopping a car thief.
As he breaks into a car, Spider-Man is sitting in the back
seat and he makes a joke that if he's going to steal cars,
not to dress like a car thief. When the thief asks if he's a
cop, Spidey retorts, "You seriously think I'm a cop? In a
skintight red and blue suit?" (We'll see more of this scene
later as well.) A lot of the trailer shows how Gwen's father
Captain Stacy, played by Dennis Leary, is trying to get
Spider-Man, sort of making him a secondary antagonist, as he
puts a warrant out for Spider-Man's arrest. (Later, we'll also
get to see some idea why Stacy is so against Spider-Man.)

We didn't get to see that much of the Lizard in the trailer,
just snippets to give us some idea of how CG is being used to
create him, but Peter states he has to stop The Lizard "because
he created him." The trailer ends with a scene of Spider-Man
trying to escape as a giant radio antenna at the top of a
building comes crashing down. The tagline for the new trailer
of course is "The Untold Story Begins," driving home the point
this is a relaunch in the Batman Begins vein.

The real fun came with the extended sizzle reel, which expanded
on many of the scenes we saw in that new trailer and gave us a
much clearer idea of what to expect from the movie, showing a
good mix of drama, action, story, characters… everything really.
This wasn't just a quick glimpse of footage but instead was
made up of full never-before-seen scenes shown in what seems
like a logical chronological order to give us a good idea of
the film's story structure.

The footage began at Parker's school, "Midtown Science High
School," as Parker sees Flash Thompson torturing a smaller kid
in the playground and he tells Peter to take a picture, but
when he refuses, Flash pushes him to the ground and starts
beating on him, but Peter says he's still not taking the
picture. When asked about it, Peter says he fell off his
skateboard, and we see more bullying of Peter at school before
he lashes out and slams Flash into lockers. We then see him
being reprimanded by Uncle Ben for fighting, and when his uncle
sees Gwen standing in the background, he embarrasses his
nephew by asking if that's the girl he has on his computer
and says he's Peter's probation officer. Embarassed, Peter
has an awkward conversation with Gwen that gives us a good
sense of the dynamics between them as well as the strong
dialogue we can expected. He ultimately ends up asking her
out as the Coldplay ballad "Til Kingdom Come" starts playing
in the background and they go their separate ways.

This then transitions into a black and white flashback of Peter
as a young boy with his parents (including Campbell Scott as
his father Richard), then we get a little more of the scene
from the trailer where Peter finds his father's valise and
his father says he asked them to keep it safe for them. In the
extended footage, we see the contents of the valise which
includes a picture of his father with Curt Connors, and we
then get a much better introduction to Ifans as Connors, who
talks about the fact that he's missing his right arm, saying
he's a scientist and the "foremost authority on reptiles,"
and that he is hoping to fix himself.”
"If Barack Obama isn't careful, he will become the Jimmy Carter of the
21st century."
2012-02-08 13:20:39 UTC
New full-length ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ trailer debuts (Video)
Movie Fan
2012-02-09 01:06:48 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Sony Pictures recently held an event in which 6-minutes of footage from
Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man screened. It seems like a lot of
people are torn about this movie because Sam Raimi's vision is still
fresh in everyone's minds. I'm actually incredibly excited for the movie
and think Webb is a talented director that will bring audiences and fans
something incredibly cool, new, and fresh.
I would have loved to see this footage for myself, but it just wasn't in
the cards for me. So we have to go off of what other people have said
about it, and live it through their words and descriptions. Having
already read through them, the movie sounds like it will be pretty damn
awesome. I was sold on the film early on, though. As a fan of Spider-Man
I was excited to see another movie made through some fresh new talent.
Read everything over and tell us what you think!
        “The six minutes of scenes that we've watched this weekend
        showed a really different Spidey from the first grade. The
        idea seems to show how Peter Parker already had a hero soul
        before having his powers: the first scene shows how he became
        enemy of the school bully, Flash Thompson: the bully is rubbing
        the face of a skinny boy in his food, when he sees Peter and
        says "take a picture of this, Parker!". Peter refuses and
        asks Flash that let his coleague go - just to become the target
        of a violent fight.
        The next scene goes forward on time - when Peter seems to
        already have his powers - and shows him getting revenge on
        Flash, holding him by his shirt collar and acting in a similar
        manner as the bully, what gives him a visit to the the
        principal's office. Comes in scene the always wise - and fun -
        Uncle Ben(Martin Sheen). "Your bad behavior made me lose a
        day of work. What did I told you about power and
        responsability?", he argues with his nephew in the middle of
        the empty school. But Gwen Stacy(Emma Stone) comes. Satisfied
        with the scolding, Uncle Ben decides to mock him: "hey, isn't
        that the girl I saw on your computer? HEY! You're on his
        computer!", says with a smile, before leaving. Then a sequence
        that looks straight from (500) Days of Summer comes up, with
        Peter and Gwen flirting in an absolutely fun way, saying
        things that makes absolutely no sense. Stone is amazing as
        Gwen Stacy... looks like the character version of John
        Romita(senior) - and moves exactly like I imagined that
        Romita's Gwen would move.
        Andrew Garfield Parker seems more serious, but his Spider-Man
        is exactly like in the comics. The action scenes ended the clip
        and showed him finding out about his powers, agile and making
        jokes all the time. Lot of the scenes were not finalized,
        showing the actor being trown in the air with cables and
        landing. The final sequences had Doctor Curt Connors(Rhys
        Ifans) and his arrogance, taking advantage of Peter
        knowledge(which appears in several scenes as the science genius
        he is on the comics, including working with his web-shoters
        and costume) to finalize his formula to grow a new arm. It
        doesn't take too long to see the Lizard, resulting from this
        experience, appearing in brief scenes(he is extremaly like the
        toy photos that have been around.)
        “There was a lot going on in the action packed teaser and
        while I can't remember the specific order or every single
        little snippet shown, I will do my best to describe the
        highlights to you. Surprisingly, there is no clear shot of
        the Lizard. We do see a close up of his eye and claws - both
        of which were incredibly deailed and looked fantasic - as
        well as several other action shots featuring the villain
        taking on Spider-Man in various locations (not to mention
        a very cool scene of his tail wrapping around the hero's
        neck in what appeared to be a sewer). However, this is arguably
        no bad thing, especially with another six months until the
        movie is released...we don't want to be spoiled with too
        much after all. What it lacked in Lizard, it more than made
        up for in Spider-Man. There are a lot of webswinging shots
        which really pop off the screen in 3D and the mix of practical
        and CGI is blended seamlessly. The "money shot" can be seen
        at the end of the trailer as the top of what appears to be
        the Oscorp building starts to collapse as an unmasked Spider-Man
        runs for cover after battling the Lizard up there too from
        what we saw of their confrontation. The scene shown at last
        year's San Diego Comic Con of Peter waiting in the back of a
        thugs car was shown, and yes, he does have the black eyes at
        this point (however, it would appear this was due to the
        lighting rather than any other specific reason, although I
        have a feeling this WILL be elaborated upon in the film itself).
        There are plenty of wisecracks and the mask actually moves
        when he speaks - thankfully eliminating the extremely false
        sounding moments in the past films where the audio was quite
        clearly dubbed over. This was a really fun sequence which
        really separates it from the Sam Raimi's helmed movies. You
        wanted a faithful take on the character? Well, this lifelong
        fan of the character would say that THIS is it. There's some
        quieter scenes too, including Peter finding his father's old
        bag, hunting down Curt Connors and finding his way to Gwen's
        apartment by landing on the fire escape outside. The dinner
        with the Stacy's first glimpsed in the teaser trailer sees
        Peter suggest that the menace Spider-Man is doing what he
        police can't, something that doesn't sit well with Captain
        Satcy who we later see declaring him an outlaw. All in all
        the 3D was, well, amazing. There were no POV shots, but there
        WERE plenty of other scenes which convinced me that it will
        be worth forking out the extra few pounds for a 3D ticket.
        Even the regular scenes in the Parker household really pop
        and while it may be too early to say this, I honestly can't
        recall seeing better 3D footage since Avatar back in 2009...
        this was better! One other thing which really grabbed my
        attention was Peter building his wshooters and then activating
        them, resulting in a blue light which also flashed as they're
        used - it works brilliantly.
        As if it couldn't get any better, Marc Webb then revealed that
        he had one more surprise for those lucky enough to be in
        attendance. A reel of footage (in 2D due to the fact that
        they're stil working on it) which would feature a handful of
        unfinished scenes, but plenty of other never before seen
        moments too. It played very much like a trailer and started
        with Flash Thompson beating up a kid and telling Peter to take
        a photo of it. He refuses and receives a beating for his
        troubles (to which he has a witty comeback - "I'm still not
        taking that picture"). The next scene was the one shown at
        last year's San Diego Comic Con, an exchange between Peter,
        Uncle Ben and Gwen in which the chemistry between the three
        in their respective scenes eith one another is clear. We also
        saw an extended version of the scene in the car, this time
        featuring Spider-Man getting on his knees and begging the thug
        not to use his knife on him. What happens next? He uses his
        webbing to make a fool of the guy, pretending to sneeze at
        one point and throwing it like a baseball only seconds later.
        This was very, very funny and while some fans may think this
        sounds as if Peter is being portrayed as arrogant while in
        costume, i assure you hat it doesn't come across that way.
        A motorcycle cop pulls up behind him as the scene moved on
        and he fires off a couple of shots before Spidey dodges them
        with ease and jumps over him. We also see Peter testing his
        powers out in an abandoned warehouse, struggling at first and
        later perfecting them as he skateboards through the city.
        There were a lot of negative comments from fans when Garfield
        was spotted with a board but it works very well here and is a
        fun way of showing off his new powers. This footage also
        confirmed that it is Captain Stacy who unmasks Spider-Man (part
        of this IS shown in the trailer but it isnt quite so clear)
        and that he is handcuffed when it happens. Moments before a
        helicopter shoots something which seemingly immobilises him,
        thereby allowing this to happen. He escapes, fighting off the
        police despite literally having both hands tied behind his back.
        Later on, a confrontation between Spider-Man and the Lizard
        reveals via voiceover that Peter may have helped create him
        by assisting Connors with the experiment to regain his arm
        (removed convincingly by CGI and then growing back again).
        One of the unfinsihed sequences saw the Lizard attack Van
        Atter's car, only to be thrawted by Spider-Man who saves several
        of the vehicles from being throwfront the bridge. It was at
        this later point in the reel of footage that we were shown a
        facial shot of the Lizard as he climbed up the top of a building
        in pursuit of Spider-Man and he looks EXACTLY like the Pez
        dispensers, concept art and various toys we've seen. Whether
        he had a snout wasn't clear (more on that below) but it looked
        to me like a regular humanoid face and not the animalistic
        version associated with artists such as Todd McFarlane.
        “Before they got to questions, they showed the new 3D trailer,
        which begins with an amazing helicopter shot of New York City
        in 3D and we see Spider-Man swinging up onto a fire escape and
        landing outside Gwen Stacy's window and she asked him how he
        got there, because they're twenty stories up. It then shows a
        scene of Peter looking at a valise that his uncle Ben says
        belonged to his father and his Aunt May (Sally Field, looking
        very young compared to previous incarnations) tells him his
        father was a very secretive man. Peter then goes to see Dr.
        Curt Connors and we see a bit of his transformation into the
        Lizard, as well as a scene of Spider-Man stopping a car thief.
        As he breaks into a car, Spider-Man is sitting in the back
        seat and he makes a joke that if he's going to steal cars,
        not to dress like a car thief. When the thief asks if he's a
        cop, Spidey retorts, "You seriously think I'm a cop? In a
        skintight red and blue suit?" (We'll see more of this scene
        later as well.) A lot of the trailer shows how Gwen's father
        Captain Stacy, played by Dennis Leary, is trying to get
        Spider-Man, sort of making him a secondary antagonist, as he
        puts a warrant out for Spider-Man's arrest. (Later, we'll also
        get to see some idea why Stacy is so against Spider-Man.)
        We didn't get to see that much of the Lizard in the trailer,
        just snippets to give us some idea of how CG is being used to
        create him, but Peter states he has to stop The Lizard "because
        he created him." The trailer ends with a scene of Spider-Man
        trying to escape as a giant radio antenna at the top of a
        building comes crashing down. The tagline for the new trailer
        of course is "The Untold Story Begins," driving home the point
        this is a relaunch in the Batman Begins vein.
        The real fun came with the extended sizzle reel, which expanded
        on many of the scenes we saw in that new trailer and gave us a
        much clearer idea of what to expect from the movie, showing a
        good mix of drama, action, story, characters… everything really.
        This wasn't just a quick glimpse of footage but instead was
        made up of full never-before-seen scenes shown in what seems
        like a logical chronological order to give us a good idea of
        the film's story structure.
        The footage began at Parker's school, "Midtown Science High
        School," as Parker sees Flash Thompson torturing a smaller kid
        in the playground and he tells Peter to take a picture, but
        when he refuses, Flash pushes him to the ground and starts
        beating on him, but Peter says he's still not taking the
        picture. When asked about it, Peter says he fell off his
        skateboard, and we see more bullying of Peter at school before
        he lashes out and slams Flash into lockers. We then see him
        being reprimanded by Uncle Ben for fighting, and when his uncle
        sees Gwen standing in the background, he embarrasses his
        nephew by asking if that's the girl he has on his computer
        and says he's Peter's probation officer. Embarassed, Peter
        has an awkward conversation with Gwen that gives us a good
        sense of the dynamics between them as well as the strong
        dialogue we can expected. He ultimately ends up asking her
        out as the Coldplay ballad "Til Kingdom Come" starts playing
        in the background and they go their separate ways.
        This then transitions into a black and white flashback of Peter
        as a young boy with his parents (including Campbell Scott as
        his father Richard), then we get a little more of the scene
        from the trailer where Peter finds his father's valise and
        his father says he asked them to keep it safe for them. In the
        extended footage, we see the contents of the valise which
        includes a picture of his father with Curt Connors, and we
        then get a much better introduction to Ifans as Connors, who
        talks about the fact that he's missing his right arm, saying
        he's a scientist and the "foremost authority on reptiles,"
        and that he is hoping to fix himself.”
In the comics, Captain Stacy was Spider-Man's sole champion, in a city
turned against him by J. Jonah Jameson.
